Healthy Choices, Lifestyles, and Relationships
Each year in the spring, our 7th-grade students are presented with the state-mandated Healthy Choices, Relationships, and Lifestyles curriculum in their science and physical education classes.
If you would like to view this curriculum, we invite you to come to the La Mesa Main Office where you will be given time to view the direct instruction that will be given to your students.
The instruction includes several short videos, which you are encouraged to watch. The video clips are available at the following link:
Video Clips for Healthy Choices Curriculum
Instruction will occur in PE 7 and Science 7 during the Spring.
- PE - March 25-29
- Science - March 25-29
You can choose to opt your child out of the presentations.*
* Please click HERE to Opt your student out from parts, or all, of the Healthy Choices Curriculum
If you have any questions, please contact Kullen Welch, [email protected]