Vision Screening 9/13 - 8th Grade

La Mesa Jr. High School

Vision Screening Schedule

Monday, Sep 13, 2021


The following is the Vision Screening Schedule for the release of your 8th grade students. Please send your students at the designated times to the MPR.

Due to Covid, we are going to have to do things a little differently this year. We cannot have more than fifty or so students in the MPR at a time.

Please direct students to enter through the MPR doors adjacent to the student store.


Please remind your students to bring their glasses to the screening and to remain quiet and orderly while waiting for their turn to be screened.


 If you have any questions, please contact the Health Office at ext. 137.


Send your 8th grade students up by LAST NAME.


Period 1-A 8:45-9:40


8:45- 9:00 Last Name: A and B


9:05-9:20 Last Name: C and D


9:25-9:40 Last Name: E, F, and G


Period 2-B 9:45-10:36


9:45-10:00 Last Name: H, I, J, and K


10:05-10:20 Last Name: M only


Brunch 10:36- 10:51

Period 3-C 10:56-11:47


10:56-11:15 Last Name: L, N, and O


11:20-11:35 Last Name: P, Q, R


Period 4-D 11:52-12:43


11:55-12:10 Last Name: S and T


12:15 -12:30 Last Name: U, V, W, Y, and Z